AEP Economic development WEBSITE REDESIGN

American Electric Power’s (AEP) Economic Development division needed to update their website to fall in line with AEP’s new brand strategy and visual identity. Over the course of this project, I worked alongside various business units, key stakeholders, a content strategist and an external agency partner to bring this to life. Not only did the team want to showcase their extensive leadership and knowledgable teams, but they also wanted to start showcasing their industry expertise, why AEP is the best choice, the regions that we serve and how we can help you with the services we provide.

Here are a few year-over-year (YoY) stats that improved with our agency partner and new design:

  • PDF downloads are up 45.6% YoY

  • Contact Us form completions are up 156% YoY

  • Location request form completion are up 208% YoY

  • Pages visited per session are up 10%

  • Bounce rate decreased by 14%



  • Reviewed the prior webpage and designed an entire new site solely focused on our Economic Development unit

  • I worked alongside 2 key stakeholders and a Content Strategist to understand the key project priorities to help guide the design

  • Page templates were designed for the ‘Industry’ and ‘Regions’ sections to help streamline content, design and development

  • Custom photography was shot in various locations to add to our brand authenticity

  • Coordinated with the agency partner for website development, quality assurance and overall dev implementation

  • We are currently working with the agency partner to improve SEO performance to help the Economic Development team to create better target marketing

What the VIPs said after launch…

“I can’t thank you enough for the collaboration between our E&BD and Corp Comm teams on this project! Tawn and Holly have been incredible to work with. I appreciate their expertise, partnership, and focus on producing a high quality product. The feedback so far (from our E&BD team) has been extremely positive! I look forward to continuing our work together on enhancements to the site and on our marketing plans to increase and engage visitors (and business development opportunities).”

— Amy Koscielak
Economic & Business Development Research & Operations Manager

“Congratulations Amy, Tawn and Holly. It looks fabulous and reads with the excitement of a brand with Boundless Energy and opportunity.”

— Teresa McWain
Former Director of Corporate Communications


AEP Customer Site Redesign
